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Clallam Ready-Sequim

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Partnering with CERT

Clallam Ready Calendar

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Some of Our Teams

We would like to recognize our longest serving and some of our most prepared neighborhoods.
Cedar Ridge
Dominion Terrace
Dungeness Heights
Dungeness Meadows
Emerald Highlands/Rue Lavande
Foursome Drive
Gehrke Road/Lazy J
Landgrove Lane
Madrona Terrace
Morgison Loop
Oak Street East
Olympic Straits
Parkwood Estates
Quail Meadows
Royal Loop
Sunnyview Drive
Tonda Vista


Clallam Ready - Sequim Coordinators

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Dolores Wolfe     Muriel McCarty      Eileen Damian

Overview of Clallam County - Sequim

In a disaster your neighbors are your most immediate source of help. Traditional 911 responders are quickly overwhelmed by demand and/or accessibility.

Sequim Operational Area (SOA) covers eastern Clallam County from Morse Creek (“S” curves near P.A.) eastward to the Gardiner area. There are 17 Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and 90+ Clallam Ready (CR) neighborhoods scattered within these boundaries.

Clallam Ready Goals:

•  Prepare individuals and neighbors to be 30+ days self-reliant 

•  Share the Steps neighbors can take to be prepared

•  Create a Neighborhood Skills and Equipment Inventory

•  Create a Neighborhood Contact List 

•  Create a Neighborhood Map (Identify utilities, special needs etc.)

•  Work together as a team to be as prepared as possible

•  Communicate assistance needs to CERT following a disaster


Advanced preparedness saves lives, reduces severity of injuries/trauma and reduces property damage. Being individually prepared, and working as a team with neighbors, improves the quality of life and develops stronger community.

Stop the Bleed Training Video

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Problems, Questions, or Suggestions
Contact our Webmaster

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