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Sequim Operational Area
Community Emergency Response Team

Partnering with Clallam Ready

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Contact us for more information:

C. Zechenelly 360 504-2531

Neighbor Helping Neighbor

Clallam Ready-Sequim
Partnering with Sequim CERT



March Academy Classes

March 1, 22, 29
call  Cindy Zechenelly at 360.504.2531

Donna CErtiicate.png

March CERT Activities
Contact Cindy to Signup
Sunshine Festival Mar 8
Soroptimist Garden Show Mar 15 & 16
Frost Moss Relay Run Mar 15


Sequim CERT
Accomplishments 2024



Sequim CERT is sponsored by Clallam County Fire District 3.  We are proud to be members of their team.

CERT Teams are always in need of equipment for new members and teams as we grow; emergency supplies to use during disasters; places for our teams to meet and train; community educational materials; storage areas for disaster equipment, ready for deployment.

We thank those who support us and those who we partner with to the serve our community.!  For more information about how to support us, go to our DONATE PAGE or contact Cindy Zechenelly at 360.504.2531



The Sequim's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact our area and trains us in basic disaster response skills, including fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Our 16 teams are geographically based, so we are helping our own neighbors.

CERT offers a consistent, nationwide approach to volunteer training and an organizational structure that our local professional responders can rely on during disaster situations, allowing them to focus on tasks that are more complex.

Sequim's CERT program is sponsored Clallam County Fire District 3.  Our area of response is designated by Clallam County as the Sequim Operational Area. We have 16 CERT Teams throughout the fire district's boundaries.

CERT training allows us to respond safely, responsibly, and effectively to emergency situations. Through hands-on practice and realistic exercises, CERT members learn how to safely respond to manmade and natural hazards, help organize basic disaster response and promote preparedness by hosting and participating in community events.

The CERT training consists of three 8-hour classes held on Saturdays. Even if you do not wish to join CERT, the training is invaluable, teaching you how to prepare for and survive a catastrophic event.  After you are trained, your local CERT captain will contact you regarding when and where your team meets month for additional training.

Classes are FREE.  Join Us!

For more information, email us at​ or call  Cindy Zechenelly at 360.504.2531

Problems, Questions, or Suggestions
Contact our Webmaster

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Why You See CERT Members Directing Traffic and Parking Vehicles


CERT Volunteers are all about “Neighbor Helping Neighbor”.  So, when we have an opportunity to help our Sequim citizens stay safe during a community event, under the direction of our Senior Program Manager and with the approval of our sponsoring agency, Clallam County Fire District 3, we volunteer to help.  We learn the proper way to do the job; the proper equipment to ensure our safety and the safety of the public; and we enjoy what we do.


The benefits for CERT members doing traffic control and parking include:


Developing better radio communications skills

Using the Chain of Command, as we work in small group, reporting to leaders

Interfacing with the public, advancing our skills of communication and problem solving

Situational Awareness (learning to watch what is happening around us)

Learning about our own level of stamina and endurance

Meeting members of other CERT Teams

Building camaraderie and how to better work together

                                                                                                             ~Kyle Hall, Team 16 Captain

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